Utlysningen är endast tillgänglig på engelska. Observera att sista ansökningsdag är framflyttad, från 9 juni till 23 juni.
Stängd utlysning
09 maj - 23 juni 2022
Project grant for research collaboration between Korea and Sweden
The purpose of the grant is to fund Swedish researchers collaborating with Korean researchers within three different research areas relating to the COVID-19 pandemic: post-COVID syndrome, global COVID-19 mitigation and pandemic preparedness. The initiative is focused on research into remaining or late-onset symptoms following COVID-19 infection (post-COVID syndrome) as well as development of methods, products and strategies for mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and pandemic preparedness.
The grants are financed by the Swedish Research Council, and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), on the principal of reciprocity and parity.
Utlysningen är endast tillgänglig på engelska Öppnas i nytt fönster.
Stödform: Miljö- och samverkansstöd
Område: Medicin och hälsa
Focus: Korea-Sweden: Joint research collaborations on
- Research within post-COVID syndrome
- Global COVID-19 mitigation
- Preparedness for future pandemics
Applicant: Individual researcher who participates as the Swedish project leader in a joint collaboration with a project leader in Korea. Only researchers at an administrating organisation approved by the Swedish Research Council may apply.
Grant period: 15 months
Grant amount:
800 000 SEK for the Swedish project leader for the entire grant period.
100 000 000 KRW for the Korean project leader for the entire grant period.
Budgetary framework:
4 000 000 SEK in total (for Swedish participation)
500 000 000 KRW in total (for Korean participation)
Start of grant period: October 2022
Application period: 9 May 2022 (14.00/2p.m.) - 23 June 2022 (14.00/2p.m.)
Publication of grant award: No later than the end of September 2022
Korean applicants are instructed to please contact
Sujin Pak, e-mail: sjp@nrf.re.kr telephone: +82 02-3460-5618
Magnus Friberg