Closed call
12 April - 14 June 2022
JPIAMR network call on Diagnostics and Surveillance
The aim of this call is to assemble networks of leading experts and stakeholders with an intent to facilitate the development, optimisation and use of diagnostic and surveillance tools, technologies and systems. Networks should work towards the conceptualisation of ideas in order to provide white papers, guidance documents and/or best practices/roadmaps and evidence frameworks to identify key questions to be addressed and/or potential solutions to overcome barriers to enhanced surveillance and advanced diagnostics to reduce the burden of AMR.
Support form: Research environment and collaboration support
Subject area: Medicine and Health
Focus: JPIAMR: Diagnostics and surveillance
Applicant: Individual researcher acting as a coordinator for an eligible network. Only researchers at an administrating organisation approved by the Swedish Research Council may apply.
Network composition: A network should consist of a minimum of fifteen (15) partners (including coordinator) from at least ten (10) different countries. In addition, at least three (3) of the partners must come from three (3) different countries whose funding agencies are participating in the call. A network must include at least three (3) early career researchers. See the call text at the JPIAMR website for full requirements.
Grant period: 12 or 24 months
Grant amount: Maximum 500 000 SEK for a network.
Start of grant period: January 2023
Application period: 12 April 2022 (14.00/2 pm) – 14 June 2022 (14.00/2 pm CEST)
Publication of grant award: No later than the beginning of November 2022.
Live Q&A and presentations
Time: Februari 25, 2022 at 13.00-14.30
There will be a presentation of the call and the partner search tool. Representatives from funders participating in the call will be available to answer questions.
More information and registration External link, opens in new window.
Application procedure
The application is submitted by the Network coordinator through the JPIAMR website. Swedish coordinators awarded funding from the Swedish Research Council will have to submit a copy of the consortium application via the SRCs application system Prisma.
Read all the information about the call at the JPIAMR website. External link, opens in new window.