Handling of personal data
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and complementary national legislation, the Swedish Research Council provides the following information on the handling of your personal data.
Purpose and lawfulness
The personal data is collected and used to deliver the information you have chosen to subscribe to. The legal grounds for the handling is consent.
Handling and protection of personal data
Your personal data and your subscription choices are saved by the Swedish Research Council for as long as you choose to subscribe. The data is protected using relevant technical and organisational measures at the Swedish Research Council.
The Swedish Research Council is a public agency, which means that personal data may be subject to disclosure to third parties when a request for public documents is made under Chapter 2 of tryckfrihetsförordningen (Freedom of the Press Act). Before any disclosure, a secrecy assessment is always made.
Your rights
You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You have the right to have incorrect personal data corrected, and the right to have incomplete personal data completed. You also have the right, under certain circumstances, to have data erased or to object to the handling of your personal data, and the right to make a complaint to the Swedish Data Protection Authority.
Personal data controller
The Swedish Research Council, vetenskapsradet@vr.se, telephone number +46 8 546 44 00, is the controller responsible for the processing of your personal data. The Swedish Research Council has a data protection representative, who can be contacted via dataskyddsombudet@vr.se or by telephone on +46 8 546 44 031.