How accessible is the website?
We are aware that parts of the website are not fully accessible. For further information, please see the section below on content that is not accessible.
What can you do if you cannot use parts of the website?
If you need content from that is not accessible to you, but is excluded from the law’s area of application according to the description below, then please contact us as follows:
- send an email to
- telephone +46 (0)8-546 44 000
Report accessibility problems on the website
We are constantly striving to improve the accessibility of the website. If you discover problems that are not described on this page, or if you think that we do not comply with the requirements of the law, then please notify us to let us know the problem exists.
The Agency for Digital Government is responsible for supervising the Swedish law governing accessibility to digital public services (Lag (2018:1937) om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service). If you are not satisfied with how we handle your comments, you can contact the Agency for Digital Government to let them know.
Content that is not accessible
This website does comply in part with the law governing accessibility to digital public services, due to the problems described below.
Non-compliance with the legal requirements
Most of the accessibility problems are present on both the English and the Swedish version of the website
Navigation and filtering
Some links are missing marking, such as underlining, to show that they are links. This makes it less than clear for all users that the text is clickable.
(WCAG 1.4.1 Use of colour)
The marking for focus when persons use the tab button to filter calls and decisions is unclear. This makes it difficult for persons using the tab button to navigate to know what has been selected on the page.
(WCAG 2.4.7 Visible focus)
It can be difficult for users to know what the exact voice command is for opening and closing the search function. To open or close the search box using voice command, the user must say “open search” or “close search”. It is therefore not sufficient just to say “search”. (WCAG 2.5.3 Enable voice commands for all interaction elements)
Functionality, elements and contents on different pages
Many pages on the website have thumbnail information – a short text that describes the type of page the user is on, such as news or events. The thumbnail information is located above the first and largest heading (H1), which means that persons using a screen reader or the tab button to navigate via headings may miss it.
(WCAG 1.3.2 Meaningful order)
Some link texts do not describe the purpose of the link. This may lead to users not understanding why they should click on the link.
(WCAG 2.4.4 Purpose of a link)
Persons using a screen reader or the tab button to navigate must be able to skim the text and skip certain content. It is currently not possible to skip grouped content that is repeated on several website pages, for example in the section called “More within the same subject” at the bottom of many pages.
(WCAG 2.4.1 Skip grouped content).
The forms for scientific and financial reporting that can be downloaded from the website do not meet the accessibility requirements.
Validation of CSS and HTML
The website has several validation errors for CSS and HTML.
(WCAG 4.1.1 Parsing)
The search function in Swecris currently has the following accessibility problems:
- The voice reader does not read out large numbers in a good way in all voice tools.
- Circular graphics sometimes lack a clear contrast between the different parts. (This is to some extent solved by information texts shown/read out when you hover over the surface.)
- As data comes in from several different actors, texts describing projects can sometimes be difficult to understand and project titles can sometimes be marked with the wrong language tag.
How we tested the website
In 2018, the Swedish Research Council tasked an external actor to review and make corrections. These were delivered in December 2018. Ahead of the delivery of these corrections, the Swedish Research Council also carried out its own testing.
In 2020, the Swedish Research Council asked an external actor to carry out an independent review of the website. The review scrutinised a number of representative pages and important features. The review was delivered in the form of a report in September 2020.
In December 2022, the Agency for Digital Government made an automatic review of a number of pages on the website. A number of corrections were then published in June 2023, for example for the filtering of calls and decisions.
The main reasons why accessibility problems still remain on are that the problems are either of a type that requires major resources to correct, or of a type that we do not yet know how best to correct.
- It is our ambition to have corrected all known accessibility problems no later than 31 December 2024.
- New features and other factors that can create accessibility problems are reviewed continuously by the Swedish Research Council.
- The website was published in June 2018.
- The accessibility report was updated most recently on 30 May 2024.