Opportunities to do research at Swedish HEIs
Laboratories at several Swedish higher education institutions are offering various types of support to researchers from Ukraine, including laboratory time. The open laboratories are registered on the research organisation EMBO’s website – filter using “Sweden”. External link.
At present, laboratories at the following higher education institutions have opened up to receive researchers: University of Gothenburg, Karolinska Institutet, Lund University, Malmö University, SciLifeLab, Uppsala University and Umeå University.
Global Young Academy is also putting together initiatives from different laboratories; among these are laboratories at Karolinska Institutet, ScieLifeLab, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology, Lund University, Stockholm University and Umeå University. All initiatives are gathered together in a list in Google Docs. External link.
The European Research Council (ERC) is encouraging researchers with ERC grants to offer work to researchers from Ukraine. Several researchers active in Sweden are now offering work with their research teams.
See the ERC’s overall list of job offers and contact details for researchers External link.
Ukrainian researchers are welcome to contact Mid Sweden University if they are interested in continuing their research there.
Ukrainian researchers interested in continuing their research at a Swedish university are welcome to contact Karlstad University.
Funding for Swedish HEIs for employing researchers
The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions, SUHF, has a working group for refugee issues that works in a coordinating manner to identify the higher education institutions' needs for managing the refugee situation.
The working group has produced proposals for measures for the entire sector and a PDF with answers to questions received from the higher education institutions.
Funding for researchers in Sweden offering work

The Swedish Society for Medical Research, SSMF, is allocating 10 million SEK to support Ukrainian citizens active in medical research.
Researchers in Sweden who have ongoing research grants from SSMF can apply, and the support will be paid out in the form of scholarships to students, doctoral students and postdocs who have come to Sweden from Ukraine after the outbreak of war in 2022.
Other initiatives from Swedish HEIs

Fundraising at Linköping University
Linköping University has started a fundraiser to collect funds for employments of researchers on the run.
Read more about the fund at liu.se (in Swedish) External link.
Fund at Lund University
Lund University has started a fund to quickly raise money that can be used to create a safe place for staff and students from Ukraine and let them continue their research or studies at Lund University.
Read more about the fund at lu.se (in Swedish) External link.
International initiatives
Scholars at Risk (SAR) is an international network of institutions and individuals. The purpose of the network is to offer protection for researchers who are fleeing or live under the threat of persecution, and to promote academic freedom.
Researchers can apply for protection via SAR's website. SAR then assesses the application based on how the network can best support the at-risk researcher. Some researchers are offered support and guidance, while others proceed to be matched with an institution for a temporary placement as a SAR scholar.
Several Swedish organisations and higher education institutions are members, and the Swedish Research Council, Formas and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond contribute funding to the network. SAR’s Swedish section is led by the University of Gothenburg.
See all the Swedish members on SAR’s website External link.
Read more about how researchers can receive help from SAR External link.

The European Commission is gathering together all the ongoing initiatives by EU member states to support researchers from Ukraine. The website includes information about where researchers can find information about housing, work and recognition of educational degrees.
Science for Ukraine is an initiative run by the student and researcher community globally, gathering together opportunities for researchers from Ukraine. All initiatives are gathered together and can be searched via their website External link.

Photo: Unsplash