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Partnering event for Horizon 2020 call: Regenerative medicine BHC-07-2019
Welcome to a partnering event focused on fostering and facilitating R&D project consortia for Horizon 2020 funded projects for topic BHC-07-2019 - Regenerative medicine: from new insights to new applications External link..
10 January 2019
10.00–15.30, registration and coffee from 09.30
Vinnova, Mäster Samuelsgatan 56, 101 58 Stockholm
Arranged by
The Swedish Research Council, Vinnova, Enterprise Europe Network, Innovate UK, and the Knowledge Transfer Network.
Event programme
Download the entire programme here Pdf, 298.5 kB.
09.30 Registrations & Coffee – Vinnova Head office
10.00 Welcome and setting the scene for the event
Karin Aase - head of section EU-relations, Vinnova
10.10 Introduction & Eligibility of UK participants
Jerome de Barros – UK National Contact Point, Innovate UK
10.20 Introduction to BHC-07-2019 - Regenerative medicine: from new insights to new applications – web-based
Maria Pilar Aguar Fernandez, European commission, DG RTD Health
11.00 Overview of National initiatives in the UK
Tristan Pritchard-Meaker - Business Development Manager EU, Cell & Gene Therapy Catapult
11.20 Overview of National initiatives in Sweden, including CAMP Center for Advanced Medicinal Products
Mikael Wiberg, Professor of Hand surgery and Anatomy, Umeå University
- Experience from previously funded Health projects in Horizon 2020
- BOOSTB4: Boost Brittle Bones Before Birth
Cecilia Götherström, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institutet - C0806: Regenerative treatment of complete Traumatic Spinal Cord injury with a surgical implantation of a biodegradable device with FGF1 and nerve grafts
Mats Holmquist, Bioarctic Neuroscience AB
12.20 Support to applicants available in Sweden and the UK
EU SME support office in Sweden National Contact Points, KTN, EEN, etc.
12.30 Networking lunch
13.30 Parallel Breakout sessions - workshop
15.30 Collective refinement of workshops and final considerations
16.00 Event ends
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