Swedish Research Council’s Board

The Swedish Research Council’s Board has ultimate responsibility to the Government for our activities. The Board consists of nine members. Six are appointed by researchers at higher education institutions, and three are appointed by the Government.

Board members 2025–2027




Irene Wennemo (chair, appointed by the government))

Doctor of sociology and Drector General of the National Mediation Office

The National Mediation Office

Niklas Arnberg

Professor of virology

Umeå University

Katarina Bjelke (appointed by the government)

Director General

Swedish Research Council

Susanna Fellman

Professor of business history

University of Gothenburg

Dag Hanstorp

Professor of Physics

University of Gothenburg

Pontus Johnson (appointed by the government)

Professor at the division of network and systems engineering

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Ellen Moons

Professor of Physics

Karlstad University

Folke Tersman

Professor of practical philosophy

Uppsala University

Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson

Professor of lung biology

Lund University



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Swedish Research Council



  1. How the 2024 funding year turned out

    This year, the Swedish Research Council received around 5 800 applications for research grants. 860 of these were awarded funding. In total, 4.55 billion SEK has been awarded to research at Swedish higher education institutions, and 2.81 billion SEK ...

  2. New members of the Swedish Research Council’s board and scientific councils 2025–2027

    The elector council has now appointed new members of the Swedish Research Council’s board and scientific councils for the period 2025–2027. The mandate period is three years, and members may be reappointed for a further three-year period.

  3. Pär Weihed Appointed Investigator for the Swedish Research Council’s E-Infrastructure Assignment

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