Responsible for allocating research funding
The Scientific Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences decides on which calls will be made within the humanities and social sciences. They also decide on which applications will be awarded grants. They have ten review panels to help them examine and prioritise the applications that are submitted to the Swedish Research Council, before the Scientific Council makes a decision. It is the Scientific Council that appoints the members of the review panels.
Following up and evaluating research in the area
The Scientific Council follows up, evaluates and develops strategies, for example through research overviews. In this work, the Scientific Council is assisted by both national and international experts. In addition to this, the Scientific Council also runs various research programmes and initiatives in its field.
The Scientific Council represents the Swedish Research Council and finances Swedish participation in several international collaborations, such as the Hera and Norface European research networks and the Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS)
Composition of the Scientific Council
The Scientific Council for Humanities and Social Sciences consists of nine active researchers with a high level of scientific expertise. The members are elected by researchers at Swedish higher education institutions. The term of office is three years and members can be reelected for a further three years.
The Scientific Council meets six times a year.
Name | Title | Organisation |
Malin Rönnblom (chair) | Professor Political Science | Institutionen för samhälls- och kulturvetenskap, Karlstad University/Umeå University |
Cecilia Alvstad | Professor in Spanish | Department of Languages, Literature and Culture (SLIK), Østfold University College |
Lars Berglund | Professor of Musicology | Department of Musicology, Uppsala University |
Håkan Fischer | Professor in Human biological psychology | Department of Psychology, Stockholm University |
Bengt Jacobsson | Professor in Business Administration | Department for Social Sciences, Södertörns University |
Åsa Lundqvist | Professor in Sociology | Department of Sociology, Lund University |
Karin Sennefelt | Professor in History | Department of History, Stockholm University |
Rebecca Thorburn Stern | Professor of Public International Law | Departement of Law, Uppsala University |
Helène Whittaker | Professor of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History | Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg |