The Final Evaluation of the Linnaeus Grant – A ten year program for establishing Centres of Excellence

The Linnaeus grants were presented as a new grant format in the Swedish Government’s research policy bill 2004/05. The aim of the grant was to strengthen the ability of Swedish higher education institutions to prioritise and profile Swedish research to be internationally competitive at the forefront by building strong research environments. In total, the Swedish Research Council and Formas have financed 40 environments. Each environment has received between 5–10 million SEK per year for 10 years.

This report presents the final evaluation of the Linnaeus grant. Did the Linnaeus grants produce the desired effect? What have they meant for Swedish research?


  1. Updated methods for the use of official personnel statistics

    Official personnel statistics for the higher education sector have in recent years become ever worse at capturing who is awarded a doctoral degree. This information is central for the Swedish Research Council’s research policy analyses. For this reas...

  2. The Swedish Research Council participates in collaboration on the publishing platform Open Research Europe (ORE)

    Ten European research funding and performing organisations in Europe are uniting to fund the publication platform Open Research Europe (ORE), among them the Swedish Research Council, Formas, and Forte. The collaboration means that researchers in the ...

  3. Promising junior researchers given different preconditions for career development

    Many promising junior researchers awarded grants from the Swedish Research Council have good preconditions for career development at their higher education institutions, a new report shows. But this does not apply to all. This risks making research c...