Closed call
21 July - 12 January 2021
EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC-02)
The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is launching a call aimed at supporting research and innovation within the HPC area: EuroHPC-2020-02: Framework Partnership Agreement in European low-power microprocessor technologies (Phase 2).
Subject area: Humanities and Social Sciences, Medicine and Health, Research infrastructure, Natural and Engineering Sciences, Educational Sciences
Focus: EuroHPC
About the call
The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is a European partnership programme, where European countries, together with EU Commission, work to promote the European ecosystem for high-performance computing (HPC).
The calls span all subject areas, and including development of codes, algorithms, new mathematical computing models and their applications on scientific studies.
For information on each call, please see the EuroHPC’s website. External link, opens in new window.
The calls are administered by the EU, but are co-funded by the Swedish Research Council. The calls are open to individual researchers who take part in international consortiums designed according to the Horizon 2020 rules. Only researchers at an administrating organisation approved by the Swedish Research Council Opens in new window. may apply.