Decision published
05 November 2018
Total amount granted: 729 275 465 SEK
Humanities and social sciences
Research project grant, Research environment grant, Research project grant for research into equal conditions, Research project grant for digitisation and accessibility of cultural heritage collections
Decision published
Please note that only notice in Prisma guarantees that a grant has been approved.
Please note that only notice in Prisma guarantees that a grant has been approved.
Approval rates
Applicants | Number of applications | Number of approved grants | Approval rate |
Women | 483 | 58 | 12 % |
Men | 595 | 80 | 13 % |
Total | 1 078 | 138 | 13 % |
Approval rates per grant type
Applicants | Number of applications | Number of approved grants | Approval rate |
Women | 350 | 44 | 13 % |
Men | 478 | 61 | 13 % |
Total | 828 | 105 | 13 % |
Applicants | Number of applications | Number of approved grants | Approval rate |
Women | 15 | 2 | 13 % |
Men | 28 | 3 | 11 % |
Total | 43 | 5 | 12 % |
Applicants | Number of applications | Number of approved grants | Approval rates |
Women | 106 | 9 | 8% |
Men | 53 | 10 | 19 % |
Total | 159 | 19 | 12 % |
Applicants | Number of applications | Number of approved grants | Approval rates |
Women | 12 | 3 | 25 % |
Men | 36 | 6 | 17 % |
Total | 48 | 9 | 19 % |
Grant amounts
Applicants | Total grant amount | Average grant amount per year |
Women | 296 165 311 | 1 377 513 |
Men | 433 110 154 | 1 498 651 |
Total | 729 275 465 | 1 446 975 |
Amounts per grant type
Applicants | Total grant amount | Average grant amount per year |
Women | 197 512 311 | 1 258 040 |
Men | 248 283 154 | 1 217 074 |
Total | 445 795 465 | 1 234 890 |
Applicants | Total grant amount | Average grant amount per year |
Women | 314 40 000 | 2 858 182 |
Men | 50 540 000 | 2 807 778 |
Total | 81 980 000 | 2 826 897 |
Applicants | Total grant amount approved | Average grant amount per year |
Women | 40 209 000 | 1 218 455 |
Men | 39 791 000 | 1 170 324 |
Total | 80 000 000 | 1 194 030 |
Applicants | Total grant amount approved | Average grant amount per year |
Women | 27 004 000 | 1 928 857 |
Men | 94 496 000 | 2 863 515 |
Total | 121 500 000 | 2 585 106 |
Administrating organisation | Number of approved grants | Total grant amount |
University of Gothenburg | 26 | 156 061 311 |
Uppsala University | 28 | 143 915 000 |
Stockholm University | 29 | 136 755 000 |
Lund University | 20 | 86 336 154 |
Umeå University | 9 | 68 559 000 |
Linnaeus University | 4 | 44 029 000 |
Karolinska Institutet, KI | 8 | 33 299 000 |
Linköping University | 4 | 17 979 000 |
Örebro University | 3 | 12 292 000 |
Södertörn University | 1 | 5 772 000 |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology | 1 | 5 548 000 |
Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research, SIR | 1 | 4 500 000 |
Chalmers University of Technology | 1 | 4 452 000 |
Karlstad University | 1 | 4 270 000 |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU | 1 | 3 708 000 |
Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, SITE | 1 | 1 800 000 |
Totalt | 138 | 729 275 465 |
What happens after the grant decision?
A few days after the grant decision has been published, you can see the decision and final statement for your application on your account in Prisma. A message is shown on Prisma’s starting page under the heading Tasks. Please note that your research colleagues may receive their decisions and final statements before you receive yours, or vice versa.
How to find the final statement:
- Go the tab Applications and grants
- Select Applications in the left-hand menu
- Click on the arrow to the right of the Event log button
Some project applications receive final statements that only contain a summary grade. These applications were given the lowest grades by the review panel. They were screened out early, and therefore not discussed in as much detail by the panel.
Read more about how to find your decision in Prisma. External link.
If we have approved your application, the document “Approval of terms and conditions” will be published on your account in Prisma. It describes the terms and conditions for the grant.
You and the head of department (or corresponding) must sign the “Approval of terms and conditions” as soon as possible – but no later than 90 days after the grant decision. Please note that it may take up to three weeks after the grant decision before the document is published in Prisma.
The first payment will normally be made during January. The grant is then paid out monthly, provided the “Approval of terms and conditions” have been signed.
Yes, it is up to you and your employer to agree on when the project shall start, as long as this does not affect the availability period of the grant.
You can read more about how your application has been assessed in the call text under “How your application is assessed”. You can find a link to the call on the right-hand side of this page.
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