Review panels
Medicine and Health
Review panels
Medicine and Health
IPD-MH1: International postdoc spring, medicin and health
Member | Organisation | Country |
Stefan Koch (chair) | Linköping University | Sverige |
Emma Ahlqvist | Lund University | Sverige |
Laura Carroll | Umeå University | Sverige |
Christopher Douse | Lund University | Sverige |
Sophia Harlid | Umeå University | Sverige |
Jana Jass | Örebro University | Sverige |
Max Levin | University of Gothenburg | Sverige |
Sebastian Lewandowski | Karolinska Institutet | Sverige |
Edmund Loh | Karolinska Institutet | Sverige |
Lill Mårtensson-Bopp | University of Gothenburg | Sverige |
Jessica Nordlund | Uppsala University | Sverige |
Märta Wallinius | Lund University | Sverige |