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ESS/MAX IV Summit 2024
How can ESS and MAX IV strengthen the Swedish life science and medtech sectors? That question is in focus at this year's ESS/MAX IV Summit in Mölndal.
17 October 2024
Mölnlycke Health Care HQ i Mölndal, Entreprenörsstråket 21. The event will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel External link.
The Swedish Research Council, Sweden's innovation agency (Vinnova), ESS, Max IV
If you want an invitation to participate in Mölndal, please e-mail
Facilities like MAX IV and ESS have been used for many years to study drug candidates for, for example, type 2 diabetes and immunotherapies for cancer treatment. Other examples of research conducted at these research infrastructures include improving the thermal stability of biopharmaceutical products or packaging mRNA in nanoparticles for vaccines.
Are the tools and techniques offered at ESS and MAX IV relevant to researchers? How can the facilities incorporate new technologies and tools such as Deep-tech, AI, bioprinting, and nanotechnology to become even better? Who should remove the bottlenecks that hinder the usability of large-scale research infrastructure?
These are some of the questions we will try to answer at this year’s ESS/MAX IV Summit.
The moderator of the event is Maria Borelius.
Registration opens 8.00.
9.00 Welcome!
- Darja Isaksson, Director General, Vinnova
- Katarina Bjelke, Director General, Swedish Research Council
9.15 Mölnlycke Health Care AB & GoCo Health Innovation City
- Zlatko Rihter, CEO, Mölnlycke Healt Care AB
- Jacob Torell, VD Steptura
9.25 The conditions for Life Science research in Sweden
Maria Nilsson, State Secretary, Ministry for Education (video
9.30 The future Life Sciences and MedTech in Sweden
Are the tools and techniques offered by ESS and MAX IV relevant to the researchers? What more could MAX IV and ESS do to meet the needs?
- Zlatko Rihter, CEO, Mölnlycke Health Care AB
- Fredrik Wessberg, CEO CCRM Nordic
- Hanna Barriga, Research specialist, SciLifeLab
- Jan Ellenberg, Director, SciLifeLab
10.15 MAX IV at a glance
- Olof Karis, Director, MAX IV
10.30 Coffee break
11.15 Big science – a tool for making Sweden even better?
Deep-tech, AI, bioprinting, Nano technology, internet of medical things. The developers of drugs, therapies and personalized medicine, and medtech are using all the new techniques and tools. How does big research infrastructures like ESS and MAX IV fit in? How to incorporate new techniques and tools to be even more successful?
- Erik Lindahl, Professor of Biophysics, Stockholm University
- Marianna Yanez Arteta, Associate Director at the Advanced Drug Delivery division within Pharmaceutical Sciences in AstraZeneca
- Federica Sebastiani, Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Copenhagen University
- Chris Schlenk, Group Vice President, Wellspect Healthcare
12.00 ESS at a glance
- Helmut Schober, Director General, ESS
12.15 Lunch is served at GoCo House
13.00 Workshop at Mölnlycke HQ
During lunch the participants will discuss these questions:
- How do you envision your future use of ESS or MAX IV, i.e. what should the facilities provide to be relevant for you?
- What do you lack to be able to conduct research or R&D at a large-scale research facility?
13.45 Workshop summary and discussion
14.15 Education, labs, data analysis – who provides what?
Several bottlenecks are slowing down the utility of large-scale research infrastructures, which is bad for science and poor return on investment. Alas, those bottlenecks need to be removed. In this panel we will discuss what needs to change and who should make the change.
- Pia Kinhult, Head of Host States Relations, ESS
- Oliver Billker, Director, The laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden
- Selma Maric, Director, ARI4Sweden
- Jon Sporring, Co-lead, QIM Center
15.00 The conditions for Life Science research in Sweden
How does the Swedish government think, which countries are good role models and why, what does the review of the life science strategy and the upcoming research and innovation bill entail?
- Maria Nilsson, State secretary, Ministry for Education (tbc)
15.00 Summary
- Darja Isaksson, Director General, Vinnova
- Katarina Bjelke, Director General, Swedish Research Council
15.30–17.00 Mingle opportunity
After we finish the Summit, you can mingle with old and new acquaintances at Vigor & Joy inside the GoCo House
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