



Election committees chosen for election of members of the Swedish Research Council’s board and scientific councils

New members are to be appointed to the Swedish Research Council’s board and scientific councils for the period 2022–2024. Electors, appointed by Sweden’s higher education institutions, have now chosen election committees that will propose new members. 14 December, the electors will then choose the new members.

Election committee – Swedish Research Council’s Board

  • Clas Ahlm, Umeå University
  • Ken Benson, Stockholms University
  • Peter Lindblad, Uppsala University
  • Jenny Nyström, University of Gothenburg
  • Mia Rönnmar, Lund University
  • Kajsa Uvdal, Linköping University

Election committee – Scientific Council for Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Ken Benson, Stockholm University
  • Matz Dahlberg, Uppsala University
  • Åsa Karlsson Sjögren, Umeå University
  • Simon Matti, Luleå University of Technology
  • Eva Reimers, University of Gothenburg
  • Mia Rönnmar, Lund University
  • David Thurfjell, Södertörn University

Election committee – Scientific Council for Medicine and Health

  • Clas Ahlm, Umeå University
  • Bengt Fadeel, Karolinska Institutet
  • Tove Fall, Uppsala University
  • Karin Lindkvist, Lund University
  • Jenny Nyström, University of Gothenburg
  • Jonas Oldgren, Uppsala University
  • Anna Strömberg, Linköping University

Election committee – Scientific Council for Natural and Engineering Sciences

  • Ylva Engström, Stockholm University
  • Elisabet Kassfeldt, Luleå University of Technology
  • Peter Lindblad, Uppsala University
  • Johan Mauritsson, Lund University
  • Per Stenström, Chalmers University of Technology
  • Kajsa Uvdal, Linköping University
  • Thomas Wågberg, Umeå University

The election process in brief

Every third year, new members of the Swedish Research Council’s board and scientific councils are appointed using an election process:

  • The higher education institutions first appoint 165 electors to represent Sweden’s researchers (spring/summer 2021).
  • The electors (the elector assembly) chooses election committees (early October 2021).
  • The election committees make proposals for new members (the turn of the month November/December 2021).
  • The electors choose who will be the new members. (14 December 2021).

How members of the board and scientific councils are appointed




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