



NordForsk announces grants for sustainable development of the Arctic

The Nordic countries have teamed up with Canada and the USA to launch a NordForsk call on the sustainable development of the Arctic. The Swedish Research Council is one of the funders. The deadline for pre-proposals is 4 June 2024.

The main aim of the call Sustainable Development of the Arctic is to support research collaboration to bring forward new knowledge on how to ensure the sustainable development of the Arctic. The objective is to jointly fund interdisciplinary research projects of the highest international quality.

All project consortia must include partners from research-performing organisations in at least three Nordic countries. Amount of funding that may be sought for Nordic partners in a project is 18–24 million NOK.

The call is two-stage, and the deadline for pre-proposals is 4 June 2024.

This two-stage call is announced as a collaborative effort between the Research Council of Norway, the Research Council of Finland, the Swedish Research Council, the Independent Research Fund Denmark, the Research Council Faroe Islands, the Greenland Research Council, the Icelandic Centre for Research, with funding from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the U.S. National Science Foundation (USA), the Canada Research Coordinating Committee (Canada), and NordForsk.

Read more about the call and apply at NordForsk's website External link.



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