National research programme within antibiotic resistance

The Swedish Research Council is responsible for a ten-year national research programme within antibiotic resistance, AMR. The research programme has a broad, multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral perspective. All research relating to antimicrobial resistance, both basic research and more applied research, can receive funding.

The program committee consists of representatives from several organizations

The programme committee for the national research programme consists of representatives from Formas, Forte, Vinnova, the Swedish Medical Products Agency, the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Public Health Agency of Sweden, the National Board of Health and Welfare, the Swedish National Veterinary Institute and Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE).

Reference groups with researchers, patients and representatives from healthcare, farming, industry and other public authorities will also be linked to the programme.

Preserving the possibility of effective treatment of bacterial infections in both humans and animals

The purpose of the programme is to promote research that contributes to the overarching goal for Sweden’s strategy for the work against antimicrobial resistance: to preserve the option of effective treatment of bacterial infections in humans and animals.

Download Sweden’s strategy for the work against antimicrobial resistance External link.

Antimicrobial resistance is a momentous global issue, focused on the use of antibiotics. Humans and animals move across national borders on a daily basis, as do foods and other products. Because of this, they can spread resistant bacteria. More and more bacteria are developing resistance to existing antibiotics, at the same time as the development of new antibiotics has slowed down.

The research programme has a broad, multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral perspective. All research relating to antimicrobial resistance – both basic research and more applied research – can receive funding. Examples are research into new antibiotics, diagnostic methods or how the spread of infection and healthcare-related infections can be reduced.

Strategic research agenda

In order to create synergies and to optimise the effect of existing research funding, and to avoid undesirable overlaps between research funding bodies, the programme committee has produced a strategic research agenda.

The agenda aims to guide, support and coordinate research initiatives within a number of areas such as public health, medicine, environment and water, animal health, international collaboration, and innovation.

Strategic research agenda (in Swedish)




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National research programme on antibiotic resistance


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