The research programme, which the Swedish Research Council is running under a Government mandate, covers several disciplines and both basic and applied research. We have issued calls for project grants in this field on several occasions since 2011.
The research relates to different aspects of civil society, such as its historical development, importance for societal development, organisation and control, and also the motivations for individuals and groups to organise themselves.
Urgent questions concern how civil society, the state and the market relate to and influence each other. Studies may focus on associations, interest organisations and popular movements, and also on transnational organisations and newer forms of social networks. The research can also relate to activities aimed at influencing government policy or the market, and activities aimed at offering alternatives to, supplementing or replacing state involvement or commercial markets.
Projects funded
The projects funded in the calls are listed below, with a link to further information about each project in the Swecris database.
Lisbeth Aggestam: Transnational civil society and foreign policy: The role of diasporas in comparative perspective External link.
Henner Busch: Of People, PV, Power Lines: Energy Islands in the Nordics External link.
Norbert Götz: Civil Society without Boundaries: Nordic Humanitarianism Facing the Biafra Crisis (BIAFRA) External link.
Katarzyna Jezierska: Civil Society Organizations as Diplomatic Actors? How Civil Society Influences Feminist and Anti-gender Foreign Policy in an Era of Polarization External link.
Branka Likic Brboric: Democratizing global migration governance: What space for civil society? (MI-GLOBE) External link.
Simon Lindgren: Programmable Politics: Civil Society in the Age of Algorithmic Automation External link.
Desirée Nilsson: Civil Peace: Exploring the Diversity of Civil Society Involvement in Peacemaking External link.
Elisabeth Olivius: Between liberal norms and authoritarian governance: women’s organizations as peacebuilders in illiberal post-war states External link.
May-Britt Öhman: sijddaj máhttsat means "coming home" in Lule Sámi External link.
Yulia Gradskova: The “Soviet Front” or an Alternative Global Civil Society? Women’s Internationa Democratic Federation and the “Third World” (1955-1985) External link.
Håkan Johansson: Civil society elites? The composition, reproduction and integration of elite groups in Swedish civil society External link.
Johan Karlsson Schaffer: The Scandinavian rights revolution: Individual rights, civil society mobilization and democratic change External link.
Anders Sjögren: Defending or defeating democracy? Civil society and electoral authoritarianism in Kenya and Uganda External link.
Jens Sörensen: Civil Society and the Resilience of Liberalism: ´soft aid´ and liberal internationalism External link.
Alireza Behtoui: Civil Societies Organisations and Educational Achievements of Young People in Marginalised Urban Areas External link.
Niklas Bengtsson: Elite capture? The Separation of the Church and the State External link.
Christina Garsten: Global Policy Brokers: The Role of Transnational Think Tanks in Shaping Political Agendas External link.
Lars Lindblom: What Should Unions Do? External link.
Lena Martinsson: The futures of genders and sexualities. Cultural products, transnational spaces and emerging communities External link.
Katarina Olsson: Can you trust a trust - a Study of the Trust Institute from a Swedish Perspecitve External link.
Apostolis Papakostas: The social mechanisms of creating memberless civil society organizations in Poland, Russia and Sweden External link.
Suruchi Thapar-Björkert: Civil Society and Deliberative Democracy: ?suburban riots? in Sweden and Civic Associations? Representation of Marginalization in Public Discourse External link.