Research infrastructure
Life sciences
Research infrastructure
Life sciences
BBMRI-ERIC – Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure
Biobank organisation in 23 European countries aimed at making biological samples and data readily accessible for medical research and development in the field of health and medical care. The Swedish node is Biobank Sweden.
The Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI-ERIC) started in 2013 and is a joint organisation for biobanks in 23 European countries. The aim of the organisation is to make large amounts of biological samples accessible for medical research and development within healthcare, and to emphasise Europe's joint resources in a global perspective.
Through the various nodes in the member countries, the infrastructure contains a large and varied range of well-characterised biological samples. This is expected to increase both the value of the sample collections and the opportunities for major international collaborations. Within the framework for BBMRI-ERIC, the member countries fund a coordinating head office and a number of joint functions.
Biobank Sweden is the Swedish national node.
Read more on BBMRI-ERIC's website External link.
This infrastructure is funded by the Swedish Research Council.