Research infrastructure
Humankind, culture and society
Research infrastructure
Humankind, culture and society
ArchLab is a distributed research infrastructure that coordinates a number of laboratories that use natural science methods to tackle archaeological questions. The infrastructure is under construction and is coordinated from Umeå University.
Archaeological research contributes to our understanding of people and societies, spatial organisation, material culture, and the relationship between climate, environment, diseases, and social systems. The material used to address research questions often consists of physical artefacts and samples from excavations, making them suitable for scientific analysis methods such as geophysical prospection, material analysis, microscopy, DNA analysis, and dating.
The purpose of ArchLab is to coordinate and integrate the constituent parts into a platform that simplifies and streamlines user experience. Through clearer collaboration and combined expertise, the infrastructure is expected to facilitate significant advancements in the field.
While the infrastructure is still under construction, the laboratories already exist and are open to users. In the future, users will be able to submit projects through a shared ArchLab portal.