Large-scale computational resources

Are you doing research in computational science? Then you can apply for access to Swedish and European computational resources at NAISS and EuroHPC. Here you can read more about how to do this.

Apply for Swedish computational resources at NAISS

NAISS (National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden) is Sweden’s national infrastructure for high-performance computation, storage and data services. It includes the existing systems Dardel, Tetralith, Alvis, Bianca and Rackham.

Researchers at Swedish higher education institutions and research institutes that are approved by the Swedish Research Council can apply for computational resources via NAISS, free of charge. You can apply for computational resources of varying scope: small, medium, and large. Small and medium-sized allocations of computational resources, for development and testing for example, can be applied for on a continuous basis, while large allocations are distributed via calls, known as “rounds”, a couple of times per year.

See open calls on NAISS’s website External link.

All applications are assessed by an allocation committee (National Allocation Committee, NAC), based on the assessment criterion of scientific excellence.

NAISS also provides other Swedish research infrastructures, the private sector, and the public sector with computation and storage services, and functions as a coordinating hub with branches for user support and education at various locations in Sweden.

Computational resources at the Finnish LUMI

LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure) is a super-computer in Kajaani, Finland. It has computational resources adapted for data-intensive research, high-performance computer use, and artificial intelligence (AI). Here, computational capacity, deep learning, simulations, and resources for use of large amounts of data are linked together.

Sweden is a member of the LUMI consortium, and a share of just over 3 per cent of the computational resources are reserved for Swedish use. Applications to use the Swedish share of the computational resources at LUMI are made via NAISS. Applications to use the EuroHPC share are made via EuroHPC.

LUMI is owned by EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), and is operated by a consortium with 11 member countries, where the Swedish Research Council represents Sweden. The supercomputer itself is operated by CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd.

See all open calls for computational resources on LUMI’s website External link.

Access to European computational resources

The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is a European partnership programme where European countries, together with the EU Commission, work to promote the European ecosystem for high-performance computing (HPC). The programme spans all scientific fields, and also includes the development of code, algorithms, new mathematical computation models and their applications in scientific studies.

EuroHPC issues regular calls for allocation of computational resources, of several different sizes. The applications are assessed by experts based on the assessment criterion of scientific excellence.

See all open calls for computational resources on EuroHPC’s website External link.

Project calls in high-performance computations

It is also possible to apply for funding of HPC-related projects from EuroHPC. Examples of projects are software development, education, support centres, and pilot projects. The calls are issued continuously and are usually open for a couple of months. They are administered by the EU and are aimed at individual researchers taking part in international consortiums designed according to the Horizon Europe rules.

Many of the calls require co-funding from a Swedish actor. The Swedish Research Council is the primary co-funder, but other Swedish public agencies and higher education institutions can also be co-funders.

Further information on calls, procurements, and other activities within the partnership programme is available on EuroHPC’s website External link.



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Malin Sandström

Magnus Friberg


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