The Scientific Council for Medicine and Health

The Swedish Research Council's Scientific Council for Medicine and Health supports research of the highest scientific quality in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and healthcare science. The Scientific Council has eleven members, nine of which have been elected by researchers at Swedish higher education institutions (HEIs).

Responsible for allocating research funding

The Scientific Council for Medicine and Health decides which calls will be made within medicine, odontology, pharmacology and healthcare science. They also decide on which applications will be awarded grants. To help them, they have 20 regular review panels with some 160 members, as well as a further number of review panels for special calls. They examine and prioritise the applications that are submitted to the Swedish Research Council, before the Scientific Council takes a decision. It is the Scientific Council that appoints members to the review panels.

Following up and evaluating research in the area

The Scientific Council follows up, evaluates and develops strategies for the area, for example through research overviews. The Scientific Council finances Swedish participation in several international collaborations and conducts a regular dialogue with the HEIs through a reference group with representatives (deans and pro-deans) from the country's pharmaceutical and medical faculties.

Composition of the Scientific Council

The Scientific Council for Medicine and Health has eleven members. Nine of the members are active researchers and are elected by researchers at Swedish HEIs‌. The Government appoints the other two members, one from the healthcare sector and one from the pharmaceutical industry or the biotechnology industry. The term of office is three years and members can be reelected for a further three years.

The Scientific Council meets six times a year.

Members 2025–2027




Maria Eriksson,

professor of molecular genetics, focus on aging,

Departement of Medicine Huddinge, Karolinska Institutet

David Engblom

Professor in neurobiology

Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Linköpings University

Johanna Fälting (appointed by the government)

Chief Research Officer


Charlotte Häger

Professor of physiotherapy,

Department of Community medicine and rehabilitation, Umeå University

Stefan James

Professor of Cardiology

Departmentof Medical Sciences, Uppsala University

Jörgen Johansson

Professor in Microbiology

Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University

Diana Karpman

Professor of pediatrics and senior consultant

Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Lund University

Per Lindahl

Professor of cardiovascular developmental biology

Institute of Biomedicine, University of Gothenburg

Markus Lingman (appointed by the government)

Professor, specialist in cardiology

Region Halland

Anna Rostedt Punga
Professor of clinical neurophysiologyDepartment of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University
Gunnar SchulteProfessor of Receptor PharmacologyDepartment of Physiology & Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, KI




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Contact scientific councils, councils and committees


  1. Four new calls

    In April, we will open four calls for proposals, in addition to those previously announced for 2025.

  2. How the 2024 funding year turned out

    This year, the Swedish Research Council received around 5 800 applications for research grants. 860 of these were awarded funding. In total, 4.55 billion SEK has been awarded to research at Swedish higher education institutions, and 2.81 billion SEK ...

  3. New members of the Swedish Research Council’s board and scientific councils 2025–2027

    The elector council has now appointed new members of the Swedish Research Council’s board and scientific councils for the period 2025–2027. The mandate period is three years, and members may be reappointed for a further three-year period.