Quality and impact of research in political science in Sweden

A pilot evaluation

The Swedish Research Council has carried out an evaluation of political science as a research subject, using a new model for national evaluations of research subjects and thematic research fields. The purpose of the new model is to map quality and to contribute documentation for development. In the pilot evaluation, the results of the research were assessed in terms of both scientific quality and impact outside academia. The review was conducted by an external and mostly international panel.

The overall conclusion of the panel members is that research into political science in Sweden is of high international standard, but they also propose measures that could strengthen the research further.

Self-assessments by the higher education institutions are not included in the evaluation model, nor are site visits. On the other hand, the higher education institutions have contributed case studies of the impact of their research, and also random selections of publications.

In the report, the panel members reflect on the evaluation task, and highlight advantages and disadvantages of different methods for evaluating research. Their conclusion is that the evaluation model tested may form the basis for future evaluations.


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