Natural and Engineering Sciences
- Project grant
- Starting grant
- Visiting professorship
- International postdoc 1 & 2
- Research project grant Röntgen-Ångström Cluster
- Visiting researcher within climate and environment (2020)
- Distinguished professor
Medicine and health
- Project grant
- Starting grant
- Half-time research position in a clinical environment
- International postdoc 1 & 2
- Project grant for research on viruses and virus-caused disease conditions
- Research project grant for development of methods to replace, reduce and refine animal experiments (3R)
- Project grant within psychiatric research
- Grant for research time within primary care
- Grant for half-time research within healthcare sciences
- Project grant for research within primary care
- Proof of Concept within the infection area
- Distinguished professor
Humanities and social sciences
- Project grant
- Visiting professorship
- International postdoc 1 & 2
- Project grant for research into societal security
- Projektbidrag för forskning om det civila samhället
Educational sciences
- Project grant
- Starting grant
- International postdoc 1 & 2
- Network grant
- Exploratory workshops
- Doctoral programme
Development research
- International postdoc
- Network grant
- Project grant
- Doctoral programme
Clinical therapy research
- Research environment
- Grant for planning of clinical therapy research
Artistic research
- Project grant
- International postdoc
- Project grant for research within post-COVID syndrome
- Research environment grant interdisciplinary research
- Research environment grant for follow-up studies of COVID-19 vaccines
Free research
The largest part of the funding are within free research, which means grants that are not limited to a particular area.
One of the Swedish Research Council´s goals for achieving gender equality within our area of activities is to have the same approval rate and the same average grant amount for women and for men.
Please note that grants for research infrastructure are not reported on this page.
Area of science | Number of applications | Number of appoved applications | Approval rate | Total amount approved |
Humanities and social sciences | 1230 | 144 | 12 % | 625 333 541 |
Clinical therapy research | 118 | 19 | 16 % | 187 011 481 |
Artistic research | 84 | 12 | 14 % | 43 259 000 |
Medicine and health | 1574 | 322 | 20 % | 1 485 484 982 |
Natural and engineering sciences | 1901 | 377 | 20 % | 1 549 076 978 |
Educational sciences | 311 | 56 | 18 % | 604 789 341 |
Development research | 264 | 64 | 24 % | 208 498 498 |
Others* | 356 | 26 | 7 % | 324 457 947 |
Total | 5 838 | 1 020 | 17 % | 5 027 911 768 |
* Research environment grant interdisciplinary research, Project grant for research within post-COVID syndrome and Research environment grant for follow-up studies of COVID-19 vaccines.
Applicants | Number of applications* | Approval rate | Average grant per year |
Women | 2 309 | 17 % | 1 341 978 |
Men | 3 471 | 18 % | 1 262 254 |
Total | 5 780 | 17 % | 1 292 394 |
* Doctoral programme, Visiting researcher programme and Visiting professorship are not included.
Applicants | Number of applications* | Approval rate | Average grant per year |
Women | 810 | 13 % | 1 341 978 |
Men | 1 013 | 15 % | 1 262 128 |
Total | 1 823 | 14 % | 1 228 956 |
*Project grants within artistic research are not included.
Approval rate and average grant per type of funding
Type of funding | Number of applications | Approval rate | Average grant per year |
Half-time research position in a clinical environment | 45 | 9 % | 1 850 000 |
Research time | 45 | 9 % | 1 887 500 |
Starting grant | 720 | 14 % | 1 159 793 |
Internationell postdok | 299 | 25 % | 1 148 664 |
Totalsumma | 1 109 | 17 % | 1 177 471 |
Type of funding | Number of applications | Approval rate | Average grant per year |
Research environment grant | 397 | 6 % | 4 609 460 |
Exploratory workshop | 6 | 83 % | 185 982 |
Doctoral programme | 40 | 38 % | 6 424 073 |
Visiting researcher | 6 | 33 % | 2 872 425 |
Visiting professorship | 12 | 25 % | 1 959 000 |
Network grant | 62 | 39 % | 384 579 |
Distinguished professor | 92 | 7 % | 4 907 500 |
Total | 615 | 13 % | 4 180 679 |
Type of funding | Number of applications | Approval rate | Average grant per year |
Project grant, undirected | 3 514 | 18 % | 1 117 133 |
Project grant, focus | 584 | 17 % | 1 304 307 |
Proof of Concept | 16 | 63 % | 996 483 |
Totalsumma | 4 114 | 18 % | 1 138 732 |
Administration organisations | Number of applications | Total amount approved |
Karolinska Institutet | 178 | 832 032 419 |
Lund University | 145 | 754 651 943 |
Uppsala University | 141 | 672 256 769 |
University of Gothenburg | 121 | 616 236 930 |
Stockholm University | 98 | 493 966 238 |
Linköping University | 59 | 298 843 687 |
Umeå University | 58 | 284 836 609 |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology | 57 | 237 999 250 |
Chalmers University of Technology | 37 | 183 551 000 |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU | 30 | 104 168 186 |
Not a Swedish university | 24 | 168 452 934 |
Örebro University | 12 | 46 002 840 |
Malmö University | 10 | 46 953 098 |
Others | 50 | 287 959 865 |
Total | 1 020 | 5 027 911 768 |