Closed call

07 June - 28 August 2018

Research environment grant within clinical therapy research

The purpose of the grant is to provide support for clinical therapy studies that are justified by the needs of health and medical care and are expected to lead to patient and societal benefit within a relatively short period of time. Therapy studies refers to both intervention and observation studies. Areas such as prevention, diagnostics, follow - up, implementation, care and rehabilitation are also included. The grant aims to enable a constellation of researchers within county councils/regions and academia to work towards a common research goal. The Swedish Research Council rewards research of the highest scientific quality in national competition.

Type of call

Research environment and collaboration support

Subject area

Clinical Therapy Research


Clinical Therapy Research


Individual researcher

Participating researchers

A minimum of one and up to ten researchers shall be invited to join the application

Grant period

3 years

Grant amount

The maximum amount is 20 million SEK for three years. The minimum amount you may apply for is 400 000 SEK per year.

Publication of grant award

No later than the beginning of December 2018

Start of grant period

January 2019

Pdf / Printout

Technical questions about applications in Prisma

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Call text in full


The application procedure for environmental research grants in clinical therapy treatment contains two steps. The following instructions apply to applicants, who have submitted an accepted project outline and who have subsequently received an invitation to provide a full application.

The full application (compared to the project outline) must contain the following information:

  • A more comprehensive project plan, which includes the specific intermediate goals to be reported and evaluated on a regular basis
  • More detailed descriptions under the call specific sections.
  • A complete specification of the budget.
  • A complete publications list.
  • Names of any participating researchers, together with their CVs and publications.

The full application also differs from the project outline in that it must be signed by the official representative of the administrating organisation. See further instructions below.

Any major discrepancies between the preliminary and the full application in regard to the research plan or the budget may only be introduced if the need for this has been raised by the review panel and communicated in the written statement to the applicant.

Read the call text for project outline. Opens in new window.

Read the instructions for reviewers for assessment of your application. Opens in new window.

Please read the guiding questions used by the reviewers for assessment of your application in the “Instructions for reviewers”.