Closed call

22 August - 25 September 2018

International postdoc

Autumn call

The purpose of the grant is to give newly qualified researchers with a doctoral degree from a Swedish university the opportunity to expand their networks and their competences by working abroad under secure employment conditions.

Type of call

Career support funding

Subject area

Humanities and Social Sciences, Artistic Research, Medicine and Health, Natural and Engineering Sciences, Educational Sciences


Individual researcher who has completed a doctoral degree no more than two years ago.

Participating researchers

No participating researchers may be invited to join the application.

Grant period

18–36 months

Grant amount

1 050 000 SEK per year

Publication of grant award

Beginning of December 2018

Start of grant period

January 2019

Pdf / Printout


Telephone hours are weekdays excluding public holidays from 9.00/9 am to 16.00/4 pm while the call is open.

+46 (0)8 546 44 054

Call text in full