Review panels

Research infrastructure

Review panels

Research infrastructure

Grant for research infrastructure of national interest RÅG C

High-tech laboratories for physics, and chemistry, as well as materials, engineering and life sciences

Members 2023–2025




Olle Björneholm (Chair)

Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics

Uppsala University

Joakim Amorin

Program manager

The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF

Paolo Bientinesi

Professor in High-Performance Computing

Umeå University

Christophe Clement

Professor of elementary particle physics

Stockholm University

Karen Edler

Professor Material analysis and synthesis

Lund University

Malin Göteman

Senior lecturer at the Department of Engineering Sciences

Uppsala University

Karin Lindqvist

Professor Structural biology

Lund University

Ulf Olsson

Professor of Physical Chemistry

Lund University

Karin Schönning

Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy, Nuclear Physics

Uppsala University

Mikael Sjödahl

Professor Experimental Mechanics

Luleå University of Technology



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The review panels are updated

with the members of the year as they are appointed.