How applications for grants to infrastructure are assessed

Three different bodies with differing perspectives on research infrastructure take part in the assessment of grant applications. It is the Council for Research Infrastructures (RFI) that makes the decision on which applications are awarded grants.

Research infrastructure funded by the Swedish Research Council shall be of national interest, be scientifically justified, openly accessible to research and have long-term funding and an organisation that is established with Swedish higher education institutions.

Three different bodies assess the applications based on these aspects among others. Based on the documentation from the various bodies, RFI then makes the decision on which applications are awarded grants.

An international panel contributes a global perspective

An international panel reviews each application based on, for example, scientific, organisational and technical criteria. The panel has 10–12 international members, who are experts within different scientific fields. Together, they have a broad perspective on research infrastructure and can put the Swedish applications into a larger, global perspective.

The scientific councils and committees give a written statement on the value to Swedish research

The Swedish Research Council’s scientific councils and committees involved review the applications within their respective areas, and give a written statement focusing on the scientific value of the applications to Swedish research.

RFI’s advisory groups weigh in national strategic aspects

The Swedish Research Council’s Council for Research Infrastructure, RFI, has three advisory and reviewing groups (RÅG) that review and prioritise the applications based on the statements from the international panel and their own scientific and organisational considerations.

The advisory groups are appointed by RFI and consist of researchers who are well informed on research infrastructure issues within a specific field.



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Equal assessment

Everyone participating in the assessment process must follow the Swedish Research Council’s guidelines for gender equality.


Questions about the financing of research infrastructure


  1. Information meeting about the call for grants for research infrastructure of national interest

    Please join our digital information meeting about the call for grants for research infrastructure of national interest 2025.

  2. These can apply for grants for research infrastructure 2025

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