Research infrastructure
Humankind, culture and society
Research infrastructure
Humankind, culture and society
NEAR - National E-Infrastructure for Ageing Research
An infrastructure under construction that aims to promote and facilitate Swedish research into ageing by means of integration of a number of national longitudinal population-based projects on ageing and health, and to enhance the quality and generalisability of research results.
NEAR is a research infrastructure under construction that aims to promote and facilitate Swedish research into ageing by means of integration of a number of national longitudinal population-based projects and databases on ageing and health, to enhance the quality and generalisability of research results and to intensify international collaboration. The purpose of NEAR is to develop a technical platform for handling and coordinating high-quality population-based databases in Sweden in order to give researchers access to the information, and thereby create prerequisites for future high-quality research.
NEAR integrates the projects/databases:
- Betula (memory changes over time)
- KP (Kungsholmen Project)
- SNAC (Swedish National Study on Ageing and Care - Kungsholmen, - Nordanstig, - Blekinge, - Skåne)
- Sweold (Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old)
- SALT (Screening Across the Lifespan of Twins)
- SATSA (Swedish Adoption /Twin Study of Ageing)
- AGECAP (Centre for Ageing and Health/Gothenburg Population Studies)
- GENDER (Gender Differences in Health Behaviour and Health among Elderly)
- SHARE (Survey of Health and Retirement in Europe).
This infrastructure is funded by the Swedish Research Council.