Swecris API

We want as many people as possible to benefit from data in Swecris. You are welcome to use our API.

Public token

There is a public token free for anyone to use: VRSwecrisAPI2024-1 (valid from 11 April 2024).
The public token makes it possible for anyone to quickly access and test using the API. Please note that this public token is changed on a regular basis.

Get a token to use the API over a longer period of time

If you want to use the API at several occasions, we kindly ask you to register and request an unique key. By doing so, you will also recieve notifications from Swecris regarding technical issues and changes in the API. You might also be invited to participate in user surveys.

Please register for an unique token. It will be sent to you within a week!

Documentation for the API is available in Swagger

You can find information in Swagger about the contents of the API, and the routes available. https://swecris-api.vr.se External link.

About the research project database Swecris

Swecris is a national database, where you can see how the participating research funding bodies have distributed their funds to researchers in Sweden. The database contains data from both governmental and private research funding bodies – 11 in total. Swecris is administered by the Swedish Research Council on behalf of the Government.



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  1. Swecris database moves to vr.se

    Today, the new Swecris website is launched. The project database has been redesigned, and is moving to the Swedish Research Council’s website. In conjunction with the move, we are also launching an entirely new API.