The Scientific Council for Natural and Engineering Sciences

The Swedish Research Council's Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences supports research of the highest scientific quality within the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering sciences. The Scientific Council has eleven members who have been elected by researchers at Swedish higher education institutions.

Responsible for allocating research funding

The Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering Science decides which calls will be made within the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering science. They also decide on which applications will be awarded grants. They have 19 regular review panels to help them, with some 250 members, as well as a further number of review panels for special calls. They examine and prioritise the applications that are submitted to the Swedish Research Council, before the Scientific Council takes a decision. It is the Scientific Council that appoints members to the review panels.

Following up and evaluating research in the area

The Scientific Council follows up, evaluates and develops strategies for research in this area, for example through research overviews. In this work, the Scientific Council is assisted by both national and international experts.

The Scentific Council represents the Swedish Research Council and finances Swedish participation in several international collaborations and conducts a regular dialogue with the HEIs through a reference group with representatives from the natural sciences and engineering science (deans) from Swedish HEIs.

Composition of the Scientific Council

The Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering Science consists of eleven active researchers with a high level of scientific expertise. The members are elected by researchers at Swedish higher education institutions. The term of office is three years and members can be reelected for a further three years.

The Scientific Council meets six times a year.

Members 2025–2027




Fredrik Almqvist, Umeå universitet

Professor in Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry

Umeå University

Mats Fahlman

Professor in Surface Physics and Chemistry

Department of Science and Technology, Linköping University

Hanna IsakssonProfessor in Biomedical EngineeringDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, Lund University
Danica KragicProfessor in Computer ScienceSchool of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Kristiina OksmanProfessor in Wood and BionanocompositesDepartment of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics, Luleå University of Technology

Fredrik Ronquist

Professor in Entomology

Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics, Natural History Museum

Anna Rutgersson

Professor in Meteorology

Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University

Suparna Sanyal

Professor in Molecular Biology

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University

Daniel TopgaardProfessor in Physical ChemistryDepartment of Chemistry, Lund University
Fredrik ViklundProfessor in MathematicsDepartment of Mathematics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Göran Östlin

Professor in Astronomy

Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University



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