Accelerator-based infrastructures in the fields of particle and nuclear physics

The Council for Research Infrastructures (RFI) within the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) commits a significant part of its annual budget to accelerator-based infrastructures in particle and nuclear physics. The funding covers membership fees, running costs and investments. The Swedish activities in these fields are mainly focused on CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) and FAIR (Darmstadt, Germany).

In 2019, RFI decided to commission an investigation and landscape analysis of the research infrastructures they fund in these fields. The report is meant to support the Council’s work in ensuring that these funds are strategically well-spent and of maximum benefit to the research community. A panel of seven experts from the Nordic countries have worked on the task with the aid of data from relevant documentation, hearings, interviews and questionnaires. The report contains several concrete recommendations given from the authors to RFI.


  1. Large-scale computational resources

    Are you doing research in computational science? Then you can apply for access to Swedish and European computational resources at NAISS and EuroHPC. Here you can read more about how to do this.

  2. ArchLab

    ArchLab is a distributed research infrastructure that coordinates a number of laboratories that use natural science methods to tackle archaeological questions. The infrastructure is under construction and is coordinated from Umeå University.

  3. Research infrastructures will be able to get funding for 10 years

    The Government is making a change to the Swedish Research Council’s instructions, which means that we can fund research infrastructure of national interest for a longer period, extending from the current 6 years to 10 years. The purpose is to improve...