The following provides advance information to facilitate planning ahead of making an application. The full call text will be published when the call opens.
Upcoming call
26 February - 01 April 2025
Network grant within educational sciences focusing on digitalisation and STEM education
The purpose of the network grant is to support internationalisation and mobility through the development of long-term research collaborations in educational sciences focusing on digitalisation and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education between Swedish research teams and research teams in USA.
The grant shall provide opportunities to establish or further develop a network in a specific research area within STEM education, where both senior and junior researchers from the research environments involved participate. One purpose may be to investigate opportunities for writing joint applications and applying for international funding, in order to deepen international collaboration.
Subject area: Educational Sciences
Support form: Research environment and collaboration support
Grant form: Network grant
Focus: Digitalisation and STEM education
Applicant: Individual researcher
Participating researchers: A minimum of 1 and maximum of 4 researchers shall be invited to join the application. At least one of these shall be active at a higher education institution in USA.
Grant period: 1–3 years
Grant amount: Minimum 100 000 SEK per year, maximum 400 000 SEK per year
Start of grant period: January 2026
Application period: 26 February 2025 (14.00/2 pm) – 1 April 2025 (14.00/2 pm)
Publication of grant award: No later than the beginning of November 2025
The purpose of the network grant in digitisation and STEM education is to support internationalisation and mobility through the development of long-term research collaborations in educational sciences focusing on digitisation and STEM education between Swedish research teams and research teams in USA.
Rapid technology development is changing society and increasing the need for new generations with good technology skills. Digital technology opens up many opportunities for teaching and learning, and enables new ways of teaching and learning STEM subjects. STEM subjects can potentially benefit from using digital technology. At the same time, a critical mindset is needed in relation to how digital technology contributes to teachers’ and pupils’ needs for teaching and learning in STEM subjects, how the differing backgrounds and skill levels of individuals impact on the use, and whether it is ethical and safe.
The grant shall provide opportunities to establish or further develop a network in a specific research area within digitisation and STEM education, where both senior and junior researchers from the research environments involved participate. The network grant creates opportunities for writing joint applications and applying for international funding, in order to deepen international collaboration, aiming to formulate and concretise long-term international research collaboration in relation to this theme.
Do you have questions about this call?
We cannot give you any specific information about the call until the call has opened. Until then, you can ask general questions about our calls by email:
We recommend that you read our Guide for applicants before the call opens.
Digital information meeting
18 February 2025
16.00–17.00 Swedish time (22.00-23.00/10–11 am ET)