The event is over

Research infrastructure in solid Earth geoscience

The Swedish Research Council and the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) invites to an afternoon on available research infrastructures of relevance to solid Earth geosciences. Welcome!


14 November 2022




Digital meeting via Zoom


The meeting is free of charge and no registration is needed.

Research infrastructure in solid Earth geoscience

At the meeting infrastructure staff will present which capabilities of relevance to solid Earth geosciences the infrastructures can provide – either now or in the near future – and how users from academia, public and private sectors can access these capabilities.

The presentation will be followed by an “open house” where participants in parallel break-out sessions can ask further questions to the infrastructure staff to learn more on capabilities and access. It will be possible to jump between the sessions.

The meeting will be in English.


13.00 Introduction

Magnus Friberg (The Swedish Research Council) and Therese Bejgarn (SGU)

13.10 Research infrastructure presentations (all are supported by national funding)

International continental drilling program, ICDP
Marco Bohnhoff

International Ocean discovery program IODP and European consortium for ocean research drilling ECORD
Gilbert Camoin

Jan-Erik Rosberg

Core scanning infrastructure
Matthew O`Regan

Swedish drill core repository
Erika Ingvald

Ellen Kooijman

Stable Isotope Laboratory
Carl Magnus Mörth, tbc

Max IV
Aymeric Robert

Onsala Space Observatory
Rüdiger Haas

Swedish Polar Research Secretariat
Håkan Grudd and Åsa Lindgren

European plate observing system, EPOS
Henning Lorenz

14.10 Introduction to the open house session

Magnus Friberg

14.15 “Open house” – Q&A with the infrastructure staff.

15.15 Closing of the open house session



Pdf / Printout


  1. Collaboration agreement with UK on the neutron source ISIS extended

    The Swedish Research Council is extending the collaboration agreement on the neutron source ISIS, to safeguard access to neutron scattering resources for Swedish researchers.

  2. Sweden a member of SKAO – opens up new opportunities in radio astronomy

    In Australia and South Africa, telescopes are being built that when completed will be the most powerful in the world. Sweden has now signed a convention on membership of SKAO, the organisation behind the telescopes.

  3. EOSC EU node: Information and demonstration

    The first node of the emerging EOSC federation was launched in fall 2024. The node will supply research data and other resources. This webinar is about the EOSC EU node and how you may use it.