New calls 2019
In spring 2019, the Swedish Research Council will for the first time issue a call for international postdoc grants within development research. Other new grant formats are two calls linked to register-based research. One relates to grants for research environments, the other to graduate schools. You can find more new grant formats here.
We are currently planning to issue 34 calls during 2019. Most relate to calls that we issue every year. Below is a list of calls that are not issued every year, or that we are issuing for the first time.
Please note that not all the detailed eligibility requirements have been decided yet. Full instructions in the form of call texts will be published when the call in question opens.
Dates for all upcoming calls are available here– filter for 2019.
Register-based research
The Swedish Research Council is issuing calls to support interdisciplinary and intersectorial register-based research. The initiative aims to develop and increase the use of register-based infrastructure, and to strengthen the long-term competence accumulation within the research areas that use register-based data. The initiative covers 4 years, and includes grants to research environments and graduate schools. The call opens on 16 January and closes on 19 February.
Grant for research infrastructure of national interest
The grant is aimed at research infrastructure that is either national, or relates to Swedish participation in international infrastructure. The grant may be used for coordination, development, construction or upgrading of research infrastructure, and may include costs for investment and operation of the same. The call opens on 16 January and closes on 19 February.
Distinguished professor programme
The aim of the distinguished professor programme is to create prerequisites for the most prominent researchers to conduct long-term, ground-breaking research with great potential for achieving scientific breakthroughs. The grant, for which a call is issued every two years, shall also enable establishment and build-up of a major research environment of the highest quality around a leading researcher. The call opens on 23 January and closes on 26 February.
Research into new nuclear technology
The call aims to ensure qualified competence within the area of new nuclear technology for fourth generation nuclear power. The underlying reasons include safeguarding advanced safety competency at the highest level and making it possible for Swedish researchers to become engaged in the major international research programmes within the area. The budgetary framework for the programme is 7.5 million SEK per year, and the call covers starting grants, project grants and international postdoc grants. The call opens on 6 March and closes on 9 April.
International postdoc grant within development research
The purpose of the grant is to give newly qualified researchers with a doctoral degree from a Swedish university the opportunity to expand their networks and their competences by working abroad under secure employment conditions. The Swedish Research Council has previously issued calls for international postdoc grant within a number of subject areas, but not within development research. The call opens on 6 March and closes on 9 April.
Visiting researcher programme within climate and environment
The visiting researcher programme within climate and environment gives Swedish HEIs the opportunity to receive visiting researchers from USA. The programme is open for various disciplines. The purpose is to strengthen Swedish research in the area through collaboration with prominent US researchers, but also to contribute to international climate and environmental research. The visiting researcher programme is a Government mandate, and the call is issued in collaboration with Formas (Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning) and the Swedish Energy Agency. The first call within the programme will open on 27 March 2019 and close on 7 May. In 2020, a further call will be issued.
Research environment grant NT
The purpose of the grant is to create added value through collaboration in larger groupings than in a normal project, with focus on interdisciplinary collaboration. Special emphasis will be placed on innovative collaborations. The applicant shall be a constellation of several researchers who are working towards a common research goal in the long term. Within the framework for this call, the Swedish Research Council is intending to fund around nine grants for research environments, without any requirement for any particular focus within natural sciences and engineering sciences research. The call opens on 13 February and closes on 19 March.
No calls for proof of concept grant
Swedish Research Council will not be issuing any call for proof of concept grants during 2019. There are currently no plans for calls for this grant. Previous calls were issued under a Government mandate that ends in 2018.
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