Dates announced for Swedish Research Council calls 2022
We have now decided on the dates for 40 or our calls next year. Many of calls are recurrent, but some will be issued for the first time. The new calls are shown in the list below. More calls will be added.
Please tick the box for "Upcoming calls" on the start page to see a list with dates for Swedish Research Council calls 2022.
New calls
Below is a list of calls that we are issuing for the first time. Not all the detailed terms and conditions for the calls have been decided yet. Full instructions will be provided in the call texts to be published when the call in question opens.
This career support is aimed at researchers who were awarded a doctoral degree two to seven years ago. The purpose is to give junior researchers the opportunity to establish themselves as independent researchers in Sweden.
2022 will be the first time we issue a call for starting grants in development research, a field where research shall be of particular relevance to the fight against poverty and for sustainable development in low income countries. We already issue calls for starting grants in medicine and health and in natural and engineering sciences.
This career support grant is aimed at researchers who were awarded a doctoral degree seven to twelve years ago. The purpose is to give prominent junior researchers the opportunity to consolidate their research and broaden their activities.
A new feature for 2022 is that we will issue separate calls for the scientific fields covered by the grant – medicine and health, natural and engineering sciences, and educational sciences.
The reason why consolidation grant calls will not be issued for humanities and social sciences is because the scientific council for these fields has made the assessment that the best way of funding excellent research in these fields is to support medium-sized research environments in the medium term. For this reason, the funding that was previously used for consolidation grants will hereafter be used to strengthen the funding of research environments.
This grant aims to give higher education institutions (HEIs) the opportunity to recruit an internationally prominent researcher during a short period. In this way, the HEI can reinforce the research in a field where it is already active.
The purpose of the grant is to create added value through collaboration in larger groupings and with a longer term perspective than standard projects can offer. The applicant should be a group of researchers working towards a joint artistic research goal. The researchers may come from different HEIs and/or subjects, from both within and outside Sweden.
2022 will be the first time we issue a call for grants to research environments with specific focus on artistic research.

The Swedish Research Council is responsible for three new national research programmes aimed at researchers in all scientific fields. We will be issuing project grants during 2022 under all programmes.
- Project grant for research into crime
- Project grant for research into segregation
- Project grant for research into the societal consequences of digitisation

Next year, we will issue a call for grants to graduate schools in humanities and social sciences, with two difference focuses:
- Graduate schools in humanities and social sciences: support for national coordination
- Graduate schools in humanities: support for doctoral student employment
Graduate schools aim to build up a new research field, strengthen competence within a specific field, or increase collaboration nationally and internationally by contributing to activities linked to doctoral education.
The call for graduate schools supporting doctoral student employment is aimed at humanities, and is funded via the Government initiative known as “Bildningslyft - en förstärkning inom humaniora” (“Educational boost - reinforcing humanities”).
In 2022, we will also be issuing calls for graduate schools in migration and integration. The graduate schools shall aim to build up the field of migration and integration, strengthen competence in the long term, or increase collaboration nationally and internationally by contributing to activities linked to doctoral education. The grant offers support for coordination.
The call is made within the framework for the national research programme in migration and integration.

In medicine and health, we are issuing calls for two grants for graduate schools in 2022:
- Graduate schools to reinforce competence in primary care
- Graduate schools for teachers of health and medical care programmes
The graduate schools are intended to strengthen the research competence in the respective areas, and to increase collaboration nationally and internationally. The graduate schools for teachers of health and medical care programmes are also intended to safeguard competence provision of researchers at HEIs. Both calls are based on Government mandates.
International collaboration
Every year, we issue calls in collaboration with other countries. In 2022, for example, we will be funding grants for research collaboration between researchers in Korea and Sweden, and between China and Sweden. The formats for these calls may vary a bit, as they are sometimes administered by one of our collaborating partners.
We also issue calls for research funding within the framework of the EU’s partnership programmes JPIAMR, and also the collaboration within Belmont Forum
Requirements for approval as an administrating organisation
An organisation needs to be approved as an administrating organisation in order to administer and pay out research grants from us. Approved administrating organisations are usually Swedish higher education institutions (HEIs), but we may also approve other organisations, provided they, as part of their mandates, conduct such research or research-supporting activities as the Swedish Research Council is mandated to fund, and also fulfil certain criteria. This category includes organisations, such as Swedish governmental agencies that are not higher education institutions but have research mandates, and certain research institutes.
Read the requirements for approval as an administrating organisation (in Swedish).
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