2024 calls – new calls and dates
Dates have now been set for 37 of the Swedish Research Council’s calls for next year. Many of them are recurrent, but some will be issued for the first time. More calls will be added.
Not all the detailed terms and conditions for the calls have been decided yet. Full instructions will be provided in the call texts to be published when the call in question opens. Further calls may be added, for example if we receive a Government mandate. This also applies for the calls we issue in collaboration with other countries.
Dates for Swedish Research Council calls in 2024 External link.
Research environment grant in humanities and social sciences
The purpose of the grant is to create added value through collaboration in larger groupings that work with a longer-term perspective. The research project must be larger and more challenging that a single researcher could complete. The research team shall consist of researchers in different subjects or from different higher education institutions (HEIs), within or outside Sweden, who work towards a joint research goal.
A corresponding call was issued in 2022. Please note that you cannot apply for this grant at the same time as you apply for an unfocused project grant in humanities and social sciences.
Project grant in civil society
The focus of this grant aims to support research into civil society. A similar call was issued in 2021.
Research environment grant in artistic research
The purpose of the research environment grant is to create added value through collaboration in larger groupings than in a normal project. The applicant shall be a grouping of researchers in different subjects or from different HEIs, within or outside Sweden, who work towards a joint research goal. A corresponding call was issued in 2022. Please note that you cannot apply for this grant at the same time as you apply for a project grant with the same project concept in artistic research.
Distinguished professor grant within natural and engineering sciences
The grant is aimed at researchers who were awarded a doctoral degree at least twelve years ago. The grant aims to create conditions for the most prominent researchers to conduct long-term, ground-breaking research with great potential for achieving scientific breakthroughs. The grant lasts for eight years and shall also enable the establishment and build-up of a major research environment of the highest quality around a leading researcher. Calls for distinguished professor grants in natural and engineering sciences are issued every three years, most recently in 2021. Please note that you cannot apply for this grant at the same time as you apply for a research environment grant.
Consolidor grant within natural and engineering sciences
This career support grant is aimed at researchers who were awarded a doctoral degree seven to twelve years ago. The purpose is to give prominent junior researchers the opportunity to consolidate their research and broaden their activities. Calls for consolidation grants in natural and engineering sciences are issued every two years, most recently in 2022.
Research environment grant interdisciplinary research
The Swedish Research Council issues a call for grants to interdisciplinary research environments every three years, most recently in 2021. The purpose is to provide opportunities for research teams to develop research where theories, methods, factual knowledge and data from differing disciplines are combined in ways that open up new research fields and research approaches. This long-term support is aimed primarily at new, interdisciplinary groupings with researchers with differing scientific backgrounds.
The Swedish Research Council is responsible for six national research programmes. Every year, we issue different types of calls within the programmes. Next year, we will issue calls within two of these.
Project grant for research into viral zoonoses
The focus this time covers research into the mechanisms for diseases and infections that can spread between animals and humans, that is, zoonoses. Research into areas such as prevention and monitoring of infection transmission may receive support, as may research into how climate and environment affect the risk of new pandemics emerging. The call is made within the framework for the national research programme in viruses and pandemics.
Project grant for research into antimicrobial resistance – from biological mechanisms to societal aspects
The project grant aims to support research in antimicrobial resistance in human and veterinary medicine, pharmaceutics, public health science, social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, engineering sciences or environmental science. The call is made within the framework for the national research programme in antibiotic resistance.
Doctoral programme grant within the infection area
Graduate schools are intended to strengthen research competence in Sweden in antimicrobial resistance and viruses and pandemics. The applicant for the grant shall be HEIs and other research organisations, not individual researchers. The call is issued within the framework for the national research programme in antibiotic resistance and in viruses and pandemics respectively.
Proof of concept within the infection area
The purpose of the grant is to bridge the gap between basic research and utilisation or commercialisation of research results within the infection field. The call is issued within the framework for the national research programme in antibiotic resistance and viruses and pandemics respectively, and relates to medicine and health and to natural and engineering sciences.
News |
Published 13 February 2025
In April, we will open four calls for proposals, in addition to those previously announced for 2025.
Activity |
Published 21 January 2025
Welcome to an information meeting about 2025 year´s calls within Artistic Research. The meeting is aimed at possible applicants and assisting administrating personnel.
Activity |
Published 14 January 2025
Welcome to a digitalt information meeting about this spring call of international postdoc within medicine and health, within humanities and social sciences including educational sciences and within natural and engineering sciences.