Research through practices from the artistic field
Artistic research is a broad and varied area of knowledge, with its foundation in the explorative and experience-based practices developed within the artistic field.
Artistic research provides knowledge about and develops complex creative processes; it tests and further develops methods, theoretical concepts and materialities; it examines and deepens the understanding of art's field-specific opportunities and challenges, as well as how art, often in collaboration with other disciplines, contributes to an increased knowledge of the major societal issues.
Artistic research projects financed by The Swedish Research Council
Nuclear Culture Deep Geologic Repositor External link.y
Eleanor Carpenter
Film(ed) Evidence: Strategies to Reclaim Justice External link.
Jyoti Mistry
Work freee future External link.
Erik Gandini
Whatever planet, let’s go! Or, TrollVision for Future External link.
Katarina Bonnevier
Entangled Musicianship and Minimal Algorithms - An Investigation of Agency in (and through) Algorithmic Interaction External link.
Palle Dahlstedt
The fourth part: Style, The I, ethics in a Swedish biographical history of a minority External link. Hanna Hallgren
Unworlding the Anatomical Theater in Uppsala External link.
Malin Heyman
The Black Beach: Moving Images between Swedish and Caribbean Shores External link.
Salad Hilowle
Choreotherapy External link.
Anne Juren
Autographic Double Exposure – the Narrative Characteristics of the Inked Black Line in Comics External link.
Gunnar Krantz
Decolonial Curatorial Methodology External link.
Natasha Marie Llorens
Authorship Ownership and Control: Dancers´ Roles and Materials External link.
Chrysa Parkinson
Beyond the Mental Fringes of Mourning in the Celestial Sphere of the Mind: Studies of Mental Empowerment External link.
Katarina Sikku Pirak
Ada Research: a Meta-Quest into the World of Algorithms External link.
Palle Torsson
The Social Infant – an artistic observation of infant sociality, External link, opens in new window.Emanuel Almborg
Material cultures for interspecies cohabitation, External link, opens in new window.Martín Ávila
The Discontent of Voice and Image – The Task of The Audiovisual Translator, External link.Andjeas Ejiksson
The Curative Act, External link, opens in new window.Marie Fahlin
Death Data, External link, opens in new window.Gabriel Itkes-Sznap
The Sugargames. New perspectives on Gothenburg´s colonial history seen through the handling of sugar, External link, opens in new window.Cecilia Lagerström
Between Work and Text: A Musical Poetics of Ambiguity, External link, opens in new window.Ole Lützow-Holm
Colouring-in Sweden: revealing hybridity in Swedish past, External link, opens in new window.Nina Mangalanayagam
Design after progress: reimagining design histories and futures, External link, opens in new window.Åsa Ståhl
Towards sensuous ecologies, Rethinking ableism in choreographic and movement practices, External link.Dalia Acin Thelander
Ghost Platform: Generating the “Complex Image” of Data, Labour, and Logistics, External link.Benjamin Gerdes
Conviviality and Contamination, External link.Oscar Hemer
´Feminin repertoire´ and domestic music-making in Sweden 1780-1860: a counter-narrative for today´s musicians, External link.Anna Paradiso Laurin
Writing Visual Relations, External link.Imri Sandström
The Hidden Pantheon: Decoding Riddles in Baroque Keyboard Music, External link.Joel Speerstra
Sonic Fashion, External link.Vidimina Stasiulyte
FutureBrownSpace, External link.John-Paul Zaccarini
The Labour of Automation, External link.Linda Hilfling Ritasdottir
Landscape of Imagination, External link.Behzad Noori Khosravi
Troll perceptions in the Heartlands – artistic research to widen our imagination capacity External link.
Katarina Bonnevier
Erik Gandini
Autistic Writing: A Mother Tongue External link.
Elisabeth Hjort
Lethe External link.
Anna Lindal
Protocols of Killings: 1965, distance, and the ethics of future warfare External link.
Tintin Wulia
Mission: Artistic manager External link.
Carolina Frände
CRYING PINE TREE: The Writing of an Autoimmune Novel External link.
Simon Goldin
Reframing the encounter: From repressed colonial pile to a collaborative decolonial counter-archive External link.
Cecilia Järdemar
Touché: Animated images as knowledge External link.
Jeuno Jee Eun Kim
Extended Rephotography: immersive visualization of climate change External link.
Tyrone Martinsson
water is (non-)life: de-extractivist poetics in the semiperiphery External link.
Mirko Nikolić
Rhetorical and Romantic affective strategies in musical performance External link.
Maria Bania
Looking for Jeanne External link.
Petra Bauer
Interiors Matter – A Live Interior External link.
Ulrika Karlsson
What does the grid do? External link.
Matts Leiderstam
Lina Persson
Folk Song Lab - deconstruction, improvisation and flow External link.
Susanne Rosenberg
The stork from Paramaribo flew away never to returne - transformation as "the Other" External link.
Filippa Arrias
The Expanded Book (stratigraphy, materiality, locality – towards material-specific methodologies) External link.
Cecilia Grönberg
Non-knowledge, Laughter and the Moving Image External link.
Annika Larsson
Image as Site External link.
Ellen Johanne Røed
Un/making Matters - maintenance, repair and composting External link.
Åsa Ståhl
Systemic Improvisation - computer-mediated interaction models for decentralized music-making External link.
Palle Dahlstedt
Refuse to Kill - narratives about The Unarmed Men External link.
Björn Larsson
Loving Others, Othering Love: A Toolbox for Postcolonial and Feminist Artistic Practices External link.
Maria Lee Gerdén
Work a work External link.
Karin Hansson
TELE SCOPE External link.
Emma Nilsson
Performing with Plants External link.
Annette Arlander
Give me my perspective - Traces of the race biologists into the Sámi people´s home External link.
Katarina Pirak Sikku
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