Project leader: Anna Färnert
Period: 2023–2027
Seat of learning: Karolinska Institutet

Project leader: Anna Bjärtå
Period: 2023–2028
Seat of learning: Mid Sweden University

Project leader: Bo Malmberg
Period: 2024–2027
Seat of learning: Stockholm University

Project leader: Karen Haandrikman
Period: 2024–2027
Seat of learning: Stockholm University

Project leader: Karin Halldén
Period: 2024–2027
Seat of learning: Mälardalen University & Stockholm University

Project leader: Patricia Mindus
Period: 2024–2026
Seat of learning: Institute for Futures Studies

Project leader: Olav Nygård
Period: 2024-2027
Seat of learning: Linköping University

Project leader: Jenny Gunnarsson Payne
Period: 2024–2027
Seat of learning: Södertörn University

Project leader: Maja Cederberg
Period: 2024–2026
Seat of learning: University of Gothenburg

Project leader: Anna Lund
Period: 2023-2024
Seat of learning: Stockholm University

Project leader: Anna Sarkadi
Period: 2023–2024
Seat of learning: Uppsala University

Project leader: Sayaka Osanami Törngren
Period: 2023–2024
Seat of learning: Malmö University

Project leader: Anders Neergaard
Period: 2023–2025
Seat of learning: Linköping University
Read more about the project: How did I end up here? Stories from migrant men
Project leader: Ulf Mellström
Period: 2023–2024
Seat of learning: Karlstad University
Project leader: Haodong Qi External link.
Period: 2023-2025
Seat of learning: Malmö University
Project leader: Assem Abu Hatab External link.
Period: 2023–2025
Seat of learning: Nordic Africa Institute

Project leader: Andreas Önver Cetrez
Period: 2022–2024
Seat of learning: Uppsala University
Labour market integration of foreign-born persons is a key challenge both for integration policies and for the organising of future working-life.
Project leader: Patrik Zapata
Period: 2020-2023
Seat of learning: University of Gothenburg
Labour market integration of foreign-born persons is a key challenge both for integration policies and for the organising of future working-life. A large number of local labour market integration initiatives have been developed from bottom-up in recent years, led by municipalities in collaboration with public organizations, companies and non-profits; a phenomenon that is still understudied.
Project leader: Anna Bredström, PhD, Associate Professor External link.
Period: 2020–2024
Seat of learning: Linköping University

The project aims to generate knowledge about deaf adult refugees’ language situation. The integration of this group is strongly linked to their varied linguistic background, which is further complicated by the fact that many of these refugees are language delayed due to having had no or limited access to any language during childhood, seriously affecting their communicative abilities.
Read more about the project: The multilingual situation of deaf refugees in Sweden
Project leader: Ingela Holmström
Period: 2020-2023
Seat of learning: Stockholm University
Project leader: Anna Lund
Period: 2020-2023
Seat of learning: Stockholms University
This project deals with a critical dimension of the intensification and deepening of circular migration, namely the expansion of what we term “migrant preparatory training,” vocational education in the deployment of low-skilled documented international labor migrants from sending to receiving countries.
Project leader: Johan Lindquist
Period: 2020-2022
Seat of learning: Stockholm University
This project investigates the role of the second generation, the children of migrants, in what one might call the global struggle for democracy. Authoritarianism is, alongside armed conflict, a key factor for forced migration, and non-democratic regimes increasingly seek to stifle dissent not only within but increasingly also across borders.
Project leader: Camilla Orjuela
Period: 2020-2022
Seat of learning: University of Gothenburg
The management of migrants and refugees is one of the key challenges facing the EU today. Since the ‘refugee crisis’ of 2015-16, the EU has been redesigning its policy frameworks to better regulate migrants before they reach Europe itself.
Read more about the project: Outsourcing migration control: Externalizing EU borders to Africa
Project leader: Joakim Berndtsson
Period: 2020-2022
Seat of learning: University of Gothenburg
The research project examines the role of lived religion for social mobility and integration among three religious migrant groups in Sweden: Muslims, Buddhists, and Christians. Limited social mobility and segregation bring about a number of negative consequences for society and individuals such as health-related issues, social isolation, inequality, unemployment, and increased segregation.
Read more about the project: Lived religion and social mobility among migrants in Sweden
Project leader: Daniel Enstedt External link.
Period: 2020-2024
Seat of learning: Göteborgs universitet
This project takes a multidimensional perspective on integration, following the evolution of its structural, cultural, social and psychological dimensions for young people over time (ages 14-22).
Read more about the project: Integration of youth in Sweden in a multidimensional perspective (SEMI)
Project leader: Jan O. Jonsson External link.
Period: 2019–2023
Seat of learning: Institute for Futures Studies

The project aims to bring new knowledge about the policies and actions of states and organizations concerning large-scale immigration of refugees and victims of war and other catastrophes, in this case the surviving remnant of European Jewry after the Holocaust.
Read more about the project: The rehabilitation and integration of the Holocaust survivors in Sweden
Project leader: Pontus Rudberg
Period: 2020–2023
Seat of learning: Uppsala University

The project fills a gap in current scholarship by approaching civil society responses to integration across multiple domains in Sweden’s so called ‘vulnerable areas’, linking these to the local context of vulnerability, to superdiversity, to formal and informal variants of civil society and variants of social capital.
Project leader: Gabriella Elgenius
Period: 2020-23
Seat of learning: University of Gothenburg

The overall goal for the project is to contribute to improved care for migrants from the Middle East and Somalia by increasing the knowledge of how value conflicts and cultural change are to be managed in the health care sector.
Project leader: Birgitta Essén
Period: 2019–2024
Seat of learning: Uppsala universitet
Understanding public discourse is essential for managing reactions to modern migration and integrating the newly arrived. In the wake of digitalization, much of the public sentiment, agenda setting, and political framing of societal developments has moved to social-media platforms, publicly-accessible newspaper repositories, and machine-readable archives of parliamentary speeches and party manifestos.
Read more about the project: Mining for Meaning: The Dynamics of Public Discourse on Migration
Project leader: Marc Keuschnigg
Period: 2019 - 2024
Seat of learning: Linköping University
The overall aim of this project is to investigate how urban communities address the pressures of refugee migration by examining governance approaches to these challenges. It contains two research streams: one on the political institutions shaping refugee-host population interactions, and the second on social institutions governing these interactions.
Project leader: Andrea Spehar
Period: 2019-2024
Seat of learning: University of Gothenburg
2017 and 2018
Immigrant subgroups are defined as refugees and other immigrants from different countries. Temporal and inter-country (Sweden versus Norway) differences in the mentioned associations will also be studied
Project leader: Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz
Period: 2017-2020
Seat of learning: Karolinska institutet

This project studies three aspects of family formation that are determinants of immigrant welfare: partnership status, intermarriage, and the timing of parenthood.
Read more about the project: The family formation of immigrants who arrive as children
Project leader: Ben Wilson
Period: 2018-2022
Seat of learning: Department of Sociology, Stockholm University
The current project describes, analyses and discusses a hitherto under-researched area of recently arrived students’ schooling: their linguistic and academic development and social inclusion in upper secondary school.
Project leader: Päivi Juvonen
Project period: 2018-2021
Seat of learning: Linnaeus University
Social unrest all over the world has led to that many people have had to flee their countries and that immigration to Western Europe has increased. At the same time, right-wing populist parties and politicians have reaped success.
Project leader: Emma Renström (fd. Bäck) External link.
Period: 2018 - 2021
Seat of learning: University of Gothenburg
Refugee youth have often experienced trauma and are at significant risk of developing mental health problems such as symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression that can continue years after resettlement.
Project leader: Professor Anna Sarkadi
Period: 2018-2021
Seat of learning: Uppsala University