National research programme in segregation

The Swedish Research Council is responsible for a ten-year national research programme in segregation. The programme is part of the Government’s strategy and action plan to counteract and reduce segregation in Sweden, and covers research in all scientific fields, as well as cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches.

Goals of the research programme

The research programme shall contribute knowledge that increases understanding of segregation and enables evidence-based reforms that can reduce and counteract segregation in Sweden. In this way, it will contribute to the Government’s goals of reduced segregation, equal conditions in childhood, adolescence and later life, and good life chances for all.

Strategic research agenda the core of the programme

Based on the goals of the research programme and a mapping of actors and the research funding available in the area, three primary activities are proposed for the research programme:

  • Initiating research into segregation.
  • Strengthening the long-term development of the research field..
  • Promoting accessibility and dissemination of research and knowledge about segregation, in order to contribute to knowledge-based practice.

The agenda also includes a description of the research area's conditions and needs.

Research agenda for the national research programme in segregation (In Swedish with summary in English)

Participating actors

When working on the design of the programme, we are maintaining a dialogue with several different actors. Three advisory groups are linked to the programme:

  • A programme committee with representatives from Forte, Formas and Vinnova.
  • A knowledge committee with organisations that work practically on issues related to segregation.
  • A reference group with active researchers in segregation.

Calls within the programme

1 February 2023
Research environment grant within segregation
The purpose of the research environment grant within the national research programme in segregation is to create added value through collaboration in...
Grant decision
6 December 2022
Project grant for research into segregation
The Swedish Research Council has decided on the applications to be awarded grants for research into segregation...

Research projects approved

One of six national research programmes

This is one of six national research programmes for which the Swedish Research Council is responsible. The programmes are broad, ten-year initiatives aimed at coordinating research within a particular area.

Read more about the programs



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Programme manager

Gustav Hansson


  1. National research programme in segregation launches strategic research agenda and a new call

    The Swedish Research Council is responsible for a ten-year national research programme in segregation. There is now a strategic research agenda in place, to guide the work forward.

  2. Project grant for research into segregation

    The Swedish Research Council has decided on the applications to be awarded grants for research into segregation. Our total grant amount for 2022–2026 is more than 47 million SEK.

  3. Societal consequences of digitisation

    The Swedish Research Council is responsible for a ten-year national research programme in the societal consequences of digitalisation. The programme shall contribute new knowledge about how digitalisation impacts on and is impacted by social and cult...