Gender research project applications in the human and social sciences

A follow-up of the Swedish Research Council´s 2004 review process and its outcome

One of the tasks of the swedish research council is to support gender research and to work for the development of gender perspectives in research. An interdisciplinary committee which is subordinate to the board of the swedish research council, the committee for Gender research is supposed to identify problems in gender research, test solutions and work on issues such as scientific quality and internationalisation.

The review of applications for funding of gender research and research with a gender perspective is handled by the four scientific councils, though. How has the scientific quality of the gender research related applications been judged? In order to form an opinion, the committee for gender research made a follow-up of the 2004 review process in the humanities and social sciences.

The follow-up answers questions such as:

  • How large grants were given to gender research in these areas?
  • How has gender research been assessed by the review panels?
  • In what way might gender research, gender perspective and gender aspects be defined?

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