Sunet (Swedish University Computer Network) under scrutiny

Evaluation report from the international expert panel

Universities and university colleges are undergoing transformation in Sweden. The number of students is increasing steadily. New strategic initiatives and reforms are under way, with the intention of promoting scientific excellence and making Sweden’s research sector more competitive. Collaborations across borders are becoming increasingly common. Massive volumes of data are constantly generated by experiments and surveys. The need for high capacity and robust network connectivity is more important than ever. In that context, Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council) initiated an evaluation of Sunet, the Swedish University Computer Network) which is the national research and education network (NREN) of Sweden.

Sunet has operated under the auspices of the Council since 2001. An international panel of recognised experts was invited to evaluate Sunet and to give advice as to how Sunet should develop to meet these new challenges. The conclusions and recommendations of the panel provide significant guidance for future decisions and are presented in this report.

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