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ESS instrument suite seminar 29 January

The Swedish Research Council invited researchers and decision makers to a seminar about the possibilities for Swedish involvement in developing future neutron instruments and surrounding facilities at the European Spallation Source.


29 januari 2018




7A Odenplan, Odengatan 65/Norrtullsgatan 6, Stockholm

Programme and presentations


13:00 Welcome (Vetenskapsrådet)
Lars Kloo, Secretary General for Natural and Engineering Sciences, the Swedish Research Council

  • Swedish involvement in developing the future instrument suite at the European Spallation Source (ESS)
Download presentation Pdf, 1.3 MB.

13:15 Presentations from ESS
Andreas Schreyer, Director for Science, ESS

  • Overview of in-kind/collaborative possibilities at the ESS Neutron Scattering Systems
Download presentation Pdf, 42.5 MB.

Ken Andersen, Head of the Neutron Instruments Division, ESS

  • In-Kind & Collaboration Potential for Instruments 1-15

Download presentation Pdf, 1.6 MB.

13:45 Discussion and Q&A

14:15 Coffee break

14:30 Presentations from ESS
Arno Hiess, Head of the Scientific Activities Division, ESS

  • In-kind contributions to Sample Environment and Labs during Construction and (Initial) Operation
Download presentation Pdf, 1.1 MB.

Thomas Holm Rod, Group leader for Data analysis, Data Management and Software Centre, ESS

  • Possibilities at DMSC

Download presentation Pdf, 15.9 MB.

15:00 Discussion and Q&A

15:45 Summary and closure

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