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ESS instrument suite seminar 29 January
The Swedish Research Council invited researchers and decision makers to a seminar about the possibilities for Swedish involvement in developing future neutron instruments and surrounding facilities at the European Spallation Source.
29 januari 2018
7A Odenplan, Odengatan 65/Norrtullsgatan 6, Stockholm
Programme and presentations
13:00 Welcome (Vetenskapsrådet)
Lars Kloo, Secretary General for Natural and Engineering Sciences, the Swedish Research Council
- Swedish involvement in developing the future instrument suite at the European Spallation Source (ESS)
13:15 Presentations from ESS
Andreas Schreyer, Director for Science, ESS
- Overview of in-kind/collaborative possibilities at the ESS Neutron Scattering Systems
Ken Andersen, Head of the Neutron Instruments Division, ESS
- In-Kind & Collaboration Potential for Instruments 1-15
Download presentation Pdf, 1.6 MB.
13:45 Discussion and Q&A
14:15 Coffee break
14:30 Presentations from ESS
Arno Hiess, Head of the Scientific Activities Division, ESS
- In-kind contributions to Sample Environment and Labs during Construction and (Initial) Operation
Thomas Holm Rod, Group leader for Data analysis, Data Management and Software Centre, ESS
- Possibilities at DMSC
Download presentation Pdf, 15.9 MB.
15:00 Discussion and Q&A
15:45 Summary and closure
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